对话哈尔滨香坊永泰喜来登DGM Kevin Hou Interview with Kevin Hou-DGM of Sheraton Harbin Xiangfang Hotel

1. 从您的简历当中我们得知你的酒店事业是从餐饮起步的,这么多年过去,酒店的餐饮发生了巨大的变化。请您给我们分享一下在您眼中有哪些变化,您认为未来的趋势又是怎么样的呢? We can see from your resume that your hospitality career started with F&B, many years have passed and business now are different with that time. Can you please share with us about the changes you see and trends in the days to come? 近几年酒店的餐饮业的确发生了巨大的变化,一个最主要、全民皆能感受到的就是酒店的餐饮更平民化,更接地气了。十几年前,酒店里出入的大多是外籍人士、大佬和公司高管一类的,普通人一般是不会去的。近几年,平民风在酒店中悄然盛行,无论是食品的口味、样式还是价格都是大众可以接受的。 我认为平民路线继续将是未来的一种发展趋势,酒店的常客将是我们身边的你我他。 Hotel’s Food &Beverage has indeed undergone tremendous changes in […]