IHG 洲际集团

Over one hundred employees from 12 hotels of InterContinental Hotels Group in Zhejiang Province completed their 15-kilometer walkathon and raised 206205.5RMB for underprivileged students through Project Hope on 25th May. The money was used to help build schools and aid local underprivileged children in poverty-stricken rural areas to get the education that they need and […]
Marriott Rewards 万豪礼赏奖励计划

To put even more power in the hands of travelers, Marriott Hotels, the flagship brand of Marriott International has expanded mobile check-in and checkout globally for Marriott Rewards members to nearly 500 hotels. The Marriott Mobile app can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes Store, Google Play and by going to: http://www. marriott.com/marriott/mobile-apps.mi. These sites […]
The Mercer Hong kong Acquired by Ascott 雅诗阁集团收购香港尚圜公寓

CapitaLand’s wholly-owned serviced residence business unit, The Ascott Limited (Ascott), has acquired an operating serviced residence in Hong Kong for HK$545 million (approximatelyS$88.8 million). The 55-unit property, The Mercer Hong Kong, will be under the management of Ascottfrom 1st July 2014. 凯德集团旗下全球最大服务公寓业主及运营商——雅诗阁有限公司(以下简称“雅诗阁”)宣布以5.45亿元港币(约合4.36亿元人民币)收购一家正在运营的香港服务公寓——香港尚圜服务公寓。公寓目前拥有55套客房,将于2014年7月1日起开始正式由雅诗阁进行管理。
The Hangzhou Azure QianTang, A Luxury Collection Hotel 杭州尊蓝钱江豪华精选酒店

Hangzhou Azure QianTang, a Luxury Collection Hoteldebuts it’s opening in Hangzhou Chinain July 2014.the gorgeous 650m2 ballroom filled with Luxury Hotel signature facilities providing the perfect match for a refined wedding ceremony.The team of celebrity chef is now selecting the best quality ingredients combining the“five water” elements to create authentic and innovative wedding banquets for […]