Transformers’ Return! 变形金刚回来了!

By Jack.F “More than meets the eyes”. Its time for another reunion for post-80’s. The Transformers 4, not only bring you the excitement and visual impact in this summer. Shooting in Hong Kong will absolutely showed the movie maker’s intention for targeting the China market. Let’s keep our focus back to the cars. After looking […]
Cars in the Movie of“Need For Speed” 《极品飞车》里的豪车们

Cars in the Movie of“Need For Speed” 《极品飞车》里的豪车们 By Jack.F “Need For Speed”– a well-known name among cars lovers and TV gamers. In March 2014, the long lasting name has shown in cinemas. The name is well-know is because it is originated from a popular TV game of the type dated back to 1994. The […]
Freaks? 怪胎?

Many of the cars are extremely sexy and many of us are deeply attracted at first sight. However, there are many “special” cars which not everyone loves. Many people would think that the car we talk about below looks strange. But I believe many would share my view and love it, especially the special editions! […]