Mariage D’amour 梦中的婚礼
By Chirs.Y
Mariage D’amour, which is made by French music producer Paul De Senneville and Olivier Toussaint. The music shows an untouchable love story, but also becomes the foundation of romantic for every wedding. For Wallis Simpson, Princess Diana and Kate Middleton, every wedding should be pure like in the heaven, elegant like in the dream for every woman. If you are preparing a wedding right now, you will not want to miss the following story.
由法国作曲家及音乐制作人Paul De Senneville和Olivier Toussaint创作的《梦中的婚礼》,不但刻骨铭心地描绘了一段“触不到的恋情”,更为所有的婚礼定下了纯净而梦幻的基调。从Wallis Simpson到Diana 王妃,再到Kate Middleton,每个女人的婚礼都应该纯净地像天堂,优雅地像梦境。如果你正在筹备一场让人难忘的婚礼,那么这里的一切都不应该错过。
2. STELLA MCCARTNEY 金属感人造皮革单肩包
3. MARCHESA 缀饰盒形手拿包
4. SERGIO ROSSI 绒面革拼接皮革凉鞋
5. LOVER 钩编纯棉蕾丝迷你连衣裙
6. LANVIN 罗缎边饰珠地布连衣裙
7. MIU MIU 水晶和人造珍珠发箍
8. ROSANTICA 珍珠、透明石英、浸镀金项链
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