绿色会议Green Meeting

China’s TOP 5 MICE Venues 中国会议场地TOP 5

Cities in China are spread over the boundary on the eastern land and with their unique characteristics and styles. It is difficult for the event organizers to pick the right place. Whether the culture, scenic points and available venues can fit the needs of the corporate are always the challenging issues to be settled. Emerging […]
Experts on MICE 专家谈MICE

Hotels have been playing a vital role in the MICE industry. As to better understand this industry, MAG誌 has consulted three industry gurus for numerous questions. These professionals are not only well experienced in the hotel industry, but also willing to share with us their insights and understandings on the MICE industry. 酒店一直在MICE这个产业链里占据着很重要的位置。为了能对中国的MICE行业有更好的认识和了解,MAG誌特地带着一些问题走访了三位酒店行业资深人士。他们不仅是对于酒店行业,对于MICE行业更是有着自己独特的见解和看法。 Mr. Haruhiko […]
Focus on China MICE Industry 聚焦中国MICE行业

MICE, which stands for Meeting, Incentives, Conferences/Conventions, Exhibitions/Exposition and Events, has been always linked to the tourism industry since the first day this term is heard. It’s not because MICE belongs to the tourism industry, but MICE is a comprehensive industry with close relationship to various industries, while tourism is the major one. MICE means […]
The Choices of Coastal Activities 滨海会议场外活动的选择

Except the formal conference, there always have some leisure events in every MICE activity. The activities provide the way to relax and a stage to communication. Generally, because of the location of coastal conferences, the activities are peculiar in some ways. 无论是何种级别的MICE,除了正规的会议举办以外,通常还需要有MICE场所相应的休闲活动。这类活动不仅能够为与会者提供适当的放松方式,同时也为与会者在会议之外广结良友提供了良好的平台。那么,由于滨海会议的地理位置特殊性,其活动往往也别具一格,颇显丰富。 Seafood Feast After the conference, a well-prepared dining service can show the thoughtfulness […]