杭州湖边邨酒店举办“1元”英式下午茶活动 British Afternoon Tea Event in Chaptel Hangzhou

杭州湖边邨酒店是法国罗莱夏朵旗下的浙江省唯一成员酒店。 在6月10日,杭州湖边邨酒店为了纪念世界上第一份酒店英式下午茶诞生,特别举办了“1元”下午茶活动。30余名宾客在独具民国风情的建筑里,舒享一份难得的宁静和悠闲。 As the only member of Relais & Chateaux in Zhejiang, Chaptel Hangzhou held a very special event which is to enjoy British afternoon tea for RMB1 to memorize the birth of the first British afternoon tea around the world. Over 30 guests enjoyed a delighted afternoon at the unique building with 1930’s style. […]

君廷酒店及度假村集团麾下西安天骊君廷大酒店2014年4月28日如期揭幕迎宾。这是君廷酒店及度假村集团在中国区签约酒店当中西北地区的首家“君廷”品牌五星级酒店,酒店是一家集商务与休闲于一体,融合了英伦贵族气质与中国文化特色的高端城市商务酒店。 酒店位于西安市雁塔区太白南路198号,毗邻高新技术产业开发区,拥有256套客房及套房,装饰考究、独具风格的中西式餐厅及SPA、游泳及健身中心等配套设施齐全的康乐设施。 It’s the first time that GRAND BARONY brand launched in Xi’an City. Grand Barony Xi’an is an upscale urban business hotel that gets the business and leisure together and also blends British aristocracy with Chinese culture. Grand Barony Xi’an is located at NO.198 South Taibai Road,next to High-tech Zone,has 256 rooms and […]
天津万达文华酒店—夏日主题茶歇特惠礼遇 Ice﹒Hot Summer Corporate Banquet Promotion

冰•火夏日商务宴会礼遇,¥2,588元净价/桌起,尊享精心定制的宴会菜单、冰爽雪碧无限畅饮以及每桌赠送店选红酒一瓶,有效期从即日起至2014年8月31日。 夏日主题茶歇特惠礼遇,炎炎夏日,沁心凉爽,沁心茶之旅和冰淇淋乐园两款主题茶歇,五折特惠后仅¥68元净价/位,有效期从即日起至2014年8月31日。 Ice﹒Hot Summer Corporate Banquet Promotion starts from RMB 2,588nett/table including delicated banquet menu, free flow of ice Sprite and one bottle of house wineper table. Valid from now till 31 August 2014. Summer Theme Tea Break Promotion provides two themed tea breaks, Refreshing Cha Journey and Ice Cream Paradise, for guests’ selection at […]
“逸”国饕餮之旅- 东南亚美食节 Exotic Culinary Journey- Southeast Asian Food Festival

WHEN: 6月6日至21日 June 6-21 17:30-22:00 WHAT: 杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店位于杭州经济技术开发区(下沙)CBD中心区块的,是该区域首家国际品牌全方位服务酒店,直接接驳杭州地铁1号线。 DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East is conveniently located in the CBD of Hangzhou Economic & Technological Development Zone, is the first international full service hotel in this Area, direct inter-link to Hangzhou Metro Line 1. 6月6日至21日,充满异国风情的东南亚美食将席卷E咖啡全日餐厅,为杭城的食客们带来了全新体验!精心烹制的各式东南亚经典佳肴:肉骨茶、马来西亚红辣鸡、槟城酸辣米粉、辣椒蟹、沙爹肉串…让您体验异国文化的同时饱享浓情美食,更有红白葡萄酒、本地啤酒、果汁及软饮无限畅饮,仅需人民币258元+15%服务费每位。 During June 6 to 21, a well-rounded representation of Southeast Asian cuisine […]
12 Years a Slave 《为奴十二载》

Director: Steve McQueen Actors: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Benedict Cumberbatch 导演:史蒂夫·麦奎因 主演:切瓦特·埃加福特 / 迈克尔·法斯宾德 / 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 By Yanyun Wang Looking back to the history of film, there are plenty of movies which are based on slaves’ life, like Amistad, For Massa’s Sake, The Birth of a Nation, Django Unchained and so on. But 12 Years […]
What a Plant Knows 《植物知道生命的答案》

Daniel Chamovitz, Changjiang Literature Art Publishing House 丹尼尔·查莫维茨,长江文艺出版社 By Yanyun Wang TThis book is published by the most famous science magazine Scientific American, and written by renowned biologist Daniel Chamovitz. However What a Plant Knows is not a boring popular science book, it contains the love of human and nature, it shares the sense of […]
Immortal Bordeaux 永远的波尔多

By Yanyun Wang Bordeaux is the wine tutor for Chinese wine lovers in some ways. As early as the wine market is blank in China, Bordeaux foresees the importance of Chinese market. Right now, Bordeaux is thriving in China, which is a legend. Based on the data from CIVB, China becomes the largest import country […]
Prices Fluctuations During Results Seasons – 2 业绩期的股价波动-2

By King Leung Last time we mentioned one of the dozens of reasons that would result the fluctuation in share prices during the results season. We will continue with other example. Poorer/better than the performance of peers or industry bench marks Apart from comparison with the expectations or guidance provided by the management, we could […]
A Strong Rebound of California Property 加州地产强势回暖

By 居外网 www.juwai.com Translated By MAG誌 Due to the advantaged temperature and soil condition, California becomes the best place for making wine. There are also 400 chateaux in every counties in California, and most of them are in Napa and Sonoma Counties. Since the year of 2012, California property started to recover. Based on the […]
Missing You Since the First Second 一期一会,难得一面,世当珍惜

By Yanyun Wang Simple and stylish are the best description for Japanese design. Japanese designers are able to show elegant in simple style. If you fall in love with the low-key life, Hotel Nikko Xiamen has a special journey for you. It will take only 5 minutes from Nikko to the beach. If you enjoy […]
Sofitel, the French Elegance in Chengdu 当法式优雅遇上蓉城闲适 ——访成都索菲特万达大饭店总经理许寒松

By Vicco Wu Sofitel Wanda Chengdu is familiar to the people who know Chengdu, however few people know the person who always runs around the Jinjiang River is Sofitel’s general manager — Hansong Xu. Hansong Xu worked in various hotel brands, and in Year 2013, Sofitel Wanda Hotel achieved success under Xu’s lead. Xu has […]
New Chef is Coming in NAPA NAPA迎来新主厨

By Vicco Wu NAPA Wine Bar & Kitchen is a fine wining & dining institution in Shanghai. The owner Philippe graduated from Ecole h?telière de Lausanne. Philippe’s dream has always been to have a perfect venue where both the best of wine and western food can be offered. In 2007, NAPA Wine Bar & Kitchen […]