Ăn uống việt nam đa chủng loại đa dạng chủng loại với hàng ngàn món ăn
Với sự phổ biến của món ăn tới từ xứ VN thì chắc chắn rằng Cả nhà đang không không quen gì ẩm thực của đất nước chúng ta. sử dụng cao nhất nguồn hương liệu gia vị đã có trước để nấu ra những các món ăn thơm ngon. Có được nguồn cung ứng […]
Splendid Culture Beautiful Inheritance To Find Out The City of Worlf Cultural Heritage 灿烂文化 美之传承 世界文化遗产之城寻芳记
The splendid history and culture are the wealth left by our ancestors. The amounts of the world cultural heritage can not only show the depth of cultural diversity in an area or country, but also once the world’s intangible cultural heritage as the world’s attention, so as to protect and inherit. Nowadays, the intangible cultural heritage has become […]
爱与旅行的意义Meaning of Love and Travel
旅行是狭隘、偏执、偏见的终结者。旅行中,我们欣赏无处不在的美景,放松心情、尽情享受美食, 这一切都将洋溢出喜悦、快乐,爱的心声。虽然在旅行中增进了彼此的感情,开拓了眼界,丰富了生 活,但是我们也会遇到一些大大小小的烦恼需要去解决,看看这一期《MAG誌》会给出哪些实用的小建议呢?

这里被评为最具幸福感的城市之一,这里还有位列三甲的中国好空气,是你的下一个旅行目的地吗? 别致假期 坐拥南海碧蓝美景的惠州艾美酒店,在冬季仍然享受着和煦暖阳。迎来酒店正式启幕后的首个岁末节日季,惠州艾美推出一系列精选活动,引领宾客邂逅、探索小径湾的独特魅力,开启别致假期之旅。 12月23日至25日期间,自人民币1508起,您可尊享海洋豪华客房一晚入住、当日双人节日特选自助晚餐及次日双人早餐。在一年中最值得庆祝的季节里,暂别都市喧嚣,与家人、爱人共享蔚蓝之旅。
夏日旅行Summer Vacation

自驾游Road Trip



The “Premier Trip” is used to distinguish from “mass tourism”, means a way of more rational travel that developed with the maturing tourism market. “Premier Trip” is becoming more and more popular due to the inferior situation of the mass tourism currently. We may find the features of “Premier Trip” if compared with the traditional […]
Enjoy the SPA 享受SPA

Traveling should not stop us from exercise. Of course, we are not suggesting travelers to run for a long distance or having heavy exercises. However, adequate amount of exercise in the gym or doing Yoga, enjoying massages or SPA, all these could refresh us from the tiredness during your trip and get prepared for the […]
Premier Trip 高端旅行的方式

Apart from visiting the scenic spots, it’s also important for high-end travellers to experience the local leisure lifestyle, which involves shopping, food, hotels and sports. 对于高端旅行来说,除了之前提到的悠闲地参观景点以外,融入当地的休闲方式也是重中之重。从衣、食、住、行上来说,就具体涉及到购物、美食、酒店、运动。 Shopping 购物 What else is worth buying apart from various luxuries? There are some local exquisite handcrafts shops or souvenir shops that common travelers won’t find. They are […]
Choose Your Destination 目的地的选择

Each travel is a new attempt full of uncertainty. It seems unpredictable to determine the best destination in such an immense world. If you are anticipating a year-end travel, but are yet not sure about the destination, MAG誌 can be of help here. 每一次出行都是一次崭新的尝试,充满了未知数。世界博大,哪里才是这次旅行的最佳落脚点,好像又是一件捉摸不透的难题。如果你现在已经在憧憬岁末旅行却又拿捏不准目的地的话,MAG誌在这里帮你出出主意。 Hot Destinations 旅行大热门 A hot destination always has a merit, […]
Family Story of Summer Trip 暑假全家总动员

By Yanyun Wang Summer holiday is coming, giving everyone a chance to go outside. Leaving the interests classes behind, parents need to give happiness for children. Since the people aware of the various education methods, an increasing number of Chinese families is going to plan a family summer trip. Outdoor trip, cultural trip, shipping trip, […]