Summer Holiday Study Tour 暑期游学

By Yanyun Wang Summer holiday, what an exciting time for children. Long time duration, beautiful sunshine, cozy surrounding, everything feels like the rising sun. Keeping in the same place to kill time, is it too boring or not? Of course, children have the ability of exploration and innovation, they can not be inspired by changeless […]
Say Goodbye to Procrastination 如何帮助孩子摆脱拖延症?

By Yanyun Wang Children always have a reason to delay, and wasting hours to count A to Z stuff, leaving homeworks to tomorrow, though they can actually do today. Most of the children have these problems, so the parents push their kids to correct. Frankly, the sense of time of children related with unseemly parenting […]
Why not go for a winter camping program? 冬令营计划?说⾛走就⾛走!

As for winter, to most people in China, it’s a great time to celebrate the big Chinese festival with beloved ones. You can treat your family an awesome holiday somewhere or just stay home with friends to enjoy the get-togethers. To almost all the children, it’s not the festival that attracts them most in winter […]