(中国,上海)2018年5月22日至24日,由爱戴爱集团(China i2i Group)主办的“中国游客欧洲峰会”(China Visitors Summit Europe, 简称 CVS)在德国杜塞尔多夫洲际大酒店成功举办。在这场全球最大的中国游客峰会现场,106家中国旅游同业买家和媒体与来自23个国家97家国际旅游供应商进行了一对一的会谈。 5月22日中国游客峰会的“中国培训日”吸引了75家国际供应商参会。他们对于更好地了解中国商务礼仪、全球中国出境旅游业、业务开发成功案例研究和商业模式,中国入境业务管理、社交媒体战略以及增长机会充满了兴趣并且积极参与讨论。 5月23日至24日一对一洽谈会期间,中国旅游同业买家与全球供应商们密切交流,两天的会谈创下了4800场会议的高记录,平均每小时400场洽谈,成为中国对全球旅游业最大的B2B会议。这场高强度的行业峰会,无疑将更加有利地促进中国旅游业务扩展到欧洲乃至全球。无论是中国旅游买家还是供应商们,在为期两天的洽谈中收获满满。 此外,受邀的中国旅游同业买家及媒体,还对德国法兰克福、科布伦茨、杜塞尔多夫和以莱茵河运营的KD游轮进行实地B2B的商务考察,并参观多家当地酒店、购物中心、当地景点等。另外还在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹举行了小型的B2B会议活动。在为期一周的时间里,中国旅游同业买家及媒体团的行程覆盖超过1000公里。 “我想非常感谢对于中国游客欧洲峰会提供支持和帮助的合作伙伴,是他们的支持,活动才得以顺利举办,中国旅游同业买家及媒体才能进行深入的商务考察,并拓展他们在欧洲的旅游资源。”爱戴爱集团CEO Alexander Glos先生提到。 虽然中国游客欧洲峰会已落下帷幕,但无论是来自中国旅游业的专业人士还是来自世界各地的旅游供应商们都纷纷表示,此次峰会精彩纷呈,收获良多,并期待明年再次相会。 附录:中国游客欧洲峰会合作伙伴:杜塞尔多夫旅游局、杜塞尔多夫洲际酒店、杜塞尔多夫机场、杜塞尔多夫会展局、科布伦茨旅游局、德国凯悦酒店集团、杜塞尔多夫布雷顿巴赫-霍夫嘉佩乐酒店、杜塞尔多夫施泰根博阁花园酒店、玛丽蒂姆酒店、德国杜塞尔多夫中国事务中心、Breuninger购物中心、Holey-Immobilien贺来不动产公司、BEST OF HOLLAND、欧洲励志。 更多信息,请联系 Mr Min XU 电话: +8621-60956570 邮箱: xumin@i2imedia.net 关于爱戴爱集团China i2i Group: 自1999 年起,本着为买家与供应商提供完美交流平台的理念,爱戴爱集团通过市场营销、印刷/电子媒体、展览会、会议、研究及咨询等为客户提供高价值的服务。公司在大中华地区的主要办公室为北京、上海、香港,以及位于美国和德国的办事处,为全球超过300多个客户提供全方位、一站式的市场营销服务。 www.i2i-china.com
2016/2017 CHINA MAG TRAVEL AWARDS 2016/2017年度中国誌旅游业大奖颁奖典礼
This year, 2016/2017 CHINA MAG TRAVEL AWARDS was successfully held by CHINA MAG 中国誌, with the guidance of Shanghai Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center in Grand Hyatt Shanghai. More than 200 hotel executives, hotel owners, cultural industry experts, high-end travel service agency representatives, fashion life brand, multi Shanghai representative of the mainstream media and leaders’ opinion of network gathered together to witness the most anticipated tourism […]
精力有限 疯狂无限 Limited Energy Unlimited Madness
新的一年意味着辞旧迎新,对于企业来说,需要迎来的不但是工作 上的新计划,更有不少新伙伴加入到工作团队中。如何快速与新伙伴建立好沟通的桥梁,提高工作效率?一次欢乐的团建就能做到。
绿色会议Green Meeting


China’s TOP 5 MICE Venues 中国会议场地TOP 5

Cities in China are spread over the boundary on the eastern land and with their unique characteristics and styles. It is difficult for the event organizers to pick the right place. Whether the culture, scenic points and available venues can fit the needs of the corporate are always the challenging issues to be settled. Emerging […]
Experts on MICE 专家谈MICE

Hotels have been playing a vital role in the MICE industry. As to better understand this industry, MAG誌 has consulted three industry gurus for numerous questions. These professionals are not only well experienced in the hotel industry, but also willing to share with us their insights and understandings on the MICE industry. 酒店一直在MICE这个产业链里占据着很重要的位置。为了能对中国的MICE行业有更好的认识和了解,MAG誌特地带着一些问题走访了三位酒店行业资深人士。他们不仅是对于酒店行业,对于MICE行业更是有着自己独特的见解和看法。 Mr. Haruhiko […]
Focus on China MICE Industry 聚焦中国MICE行业

MICE, which stands for Meeting, Incentives, Conferences/Conventions, Exhibitions/Exposition and Events, has been always linked to the tourism industry since the first day this term is heard. It’s not because MICE belongs to the tourism industry, but MICE is a comprehensive industry with close relationship to various industries, while tourism is the major one. MICE means […]
The Choices of Coastal Activities 滨海会议场外活动的选择

Except the formal conference, there always have some leisure events in every MICE activity. The activities provide the way to relax and a stage to communication. Generally, because of the location of coastal conferences, the activities are peculiar in some ways. 无论是何种级别的MICE,除了正规的会议举办以外,通常还需要有MICE场所相应的休闲活动。这类活动不仅能够为与会者提供适当的放松方式,同时也为与会者在会议之外广结良友提供了良好的平台。那么,由于滨海会议的地理位置特殊性,其活动往往也别具一格,颇显丰富。 Seafood Feast After the conference, a well-prepared dining service can show the thoughtfulness […]
Coastal MICE Trip in China 中国滨海会议全貌

The conferences are the steps of reform and development for companies. The location of conferences is one of the elements which may influent the success of the conference. Recently, coastal MICE trip becomes popular among the enterprises. In China, Sanya, Macau, Chongming, Qiangdao and Dalian, are the coastal cities, which can provide coastal MICE trip, […]
When Chinese Culture Meets the Enterprise Training 中国文化走入企业培训

When Chinese Culture Meets the Enterprise Training 中国文化走入企业培训 By Yanyun Wang For every company, the basic trainings are the language and skill training, then the culture training is the superstructure. The topic of culture training is an important issue in modern society. After the reform and opening-up, China’s economy develops like a rocket. The […]
Choose Good Team Building Activities 强化团队建设,创造企业凝聚力

Team work is asked for resource complementarity, which means the cost of it is the lowest, otherwise the high-cost work is unsuccessful. The most important thing for a good team is not the abilities of employees, is one spirit in all members. As the Chinese saying goes, people cooperates because of the same target. The […]