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Home » Travel » 爱与旅行的意义Meaning of Love and Travel


爱与旅行的意义Meaning of Love and Travel

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旅行是狭隘、偏执、偏见的终结者。旅行中,我们欣赏无处不在的美景,放松心情、尽情享受美食, 这一切都将洋溢出喜悦、快乐,爱的心声。虽然在旅行中增进了彼此的感情,开拓了眼界,丰富了生 活,但是我们也会遇到一些大大小小的烦恼需要去解决,看看这一期《MAG誌》会给出哪些实用的小建议呢?

新年降至,不如趁着悠长的假期,与家人一起出游,享受沿途的迷人风光,体会爱与旅行的意 义。我们之所以选择在这个重要时刻聚会、旅行,意义也是不同的。这不但嘉奖辛劳了一年的你,也是孝敬老人最温暖的时刻,更是为孩子留下又一年新的记忆。我们将为大家一一列举在旅 途中遇到的各种担忧与烦恼,根据需求推出具有功能性项目或者是增加了一些新的贴心服务的优质度假村、酒店,一起感受它们带来的贴心服务以及超值的快乐体验。

Travel is the end of narrow, paranoid and prejudice. In travel, we appreciate the beautiful sceneries everywhere. Relax, foods, all these things are full of joy happiness and love. Although we improve our relationships each other, broaden our horizons and enrich the life, we will encounter some small trouble need to be solved. Look at these practical advice given by MAG誌.

With the coming New year, to spend a long holiday with family in the coming New Year to look around the charming scenery along the way. The meaning of the travel for each people is different. Traveling in this time not only awards you for a year of hard working, but also the most warm time to honor the elderly. What is more, it is new year’s memories for children. We will enumerate all kinds of worries and troubles would encountered in the journey, according to your demands to introduce functional items and new services of resorts, hotels with high quality. Let us experience the caring service and happy journey.

亲子游也有各种小烦恼 Troubles in Parent – Child Travel


现在的家庭出游,多数是提倡爸爸妈妈带着小朋友一起进行亲子活动,但是小朋友们对于“吃、 住、玩”又会有哪些不同于大人的需求呢?有时候小朋友们只想跟自己的小伙伴们更愉快的玩耍,那么在冬季有哪些娱乐项目适合小朋友们的呢?有时候小朋友想要一间属于自己的卡通房间, 扮演各种各样的卡通角色,乐在其中。又或者是一群小朋友一起旅行的时候,又该去哪儿玩呢?许多酒店为了完善更贴心的服务,纷纷拿出各种对策,更有一些酒店针对家庭在饮食、游乐上的特殊需求,推出了许多性价比较高的套餐,让来此旅游度假的大人、小孩们都不会觉得无聊。

When talking about family outings, parents seem like to take part in parent-child activities with their children. From the view of children, what is the difference between children and adults on the side of “eating, living, playing”? Children sometimes just want to play with theirfriends.Atthispoint,arethereanyentertainmentsforchildren in the winter? Is there some interesting services will be launched during the holiday? Many hotels have come up with a variety of countermeasures, in order to improve the upgrading of more intimate services. Some hotels launched a lot of cost-effective packages to cater family’s special needs on the side of diet and entertainment, so that adults and children will not be boring during the vocation.




Journey can not be separated from foods. Whole family tour should not only take care of the old people’s diet, but also appetite children. How to meets the needs of family members of different grades? Let us look at these special restaurants.


三亚海棠湾洲际度假酒店 InterContinental Sanya Haitang Bay Resort


这家酒店拥有“未来顶级海滨度假疗养胜地” 之美誉,一派清逸的现代海岛风情。知道这家 酒店的大多数家长也许都是从《爸爸回来了》 里,小甜馨和奥莉两家人就是在这里一起吃饭这一幕开始。这家酒店给人印象深刻的是酷炫的“涛”餐厅,它是国内首家全海水海洋餐厅,坐在餐厅里就像身处海底隧道一样,特别梦幻。享受美食和美酒的同时还能看到漫游在周围的鱼群,还有令小朋友欲罢不能的家庭欢乐池和儿童泳池,如此体验只有在三亚海棠湾洲际酒店才能享受得到。

This hotel has a good reputation of “the future top seaside holiday resort”, with the style of modern island. Most parents know this hotel from the reality show “Dad back”, beginning with the dinner of little sweet

and Olivia’s family. Cool “TAO” restaurant is the most impressive place in this hotel, which is the first sea restaurant in the world. Sitting in a restaurant seems like living in the tunnel, especially live in dream. Enjoying the delicacy and wine surrounded by fish. There are exciting family’s swimming pool and children’s swimming pool which children interested in. Such journey can be experienced only in InterContinental Sanya Haitang Bay Resort.

Address: No.128, North Hai Tang Road, Hai Tang Bay, Sanya, Hainan

Tel: +86898 8865 8888

地址:海南省三亚市海棠湾海棠北路 128号

电话:+86898 8865 8888


昆明洲际酒店 InterContinental Kunming



Eating well or not is really important during vacation. You should pay attention to not only children’s diet, but also old people’s diet. Easy to digest, no greasy and other details is more important than taste. InterContinental Kunming will launch new delicious dinner on New Year’s Eve, which meet every guest’s demands. On the side of diet, the dishes were designed with some attentive service, such as the taste and bakery selection. InterContinental Kunming’s “Wufu” feast hopes to share wishes and blessings with family and friends in the new year.

Date: Until Jan 27 th 2017
Venue: Shang Tao Chinese Restaurant- First oor of InterContinental Kunming

Tel: +86871 6409 4376

预约时间:即日起至 2017 年 1 月 27 日


电话:+86871 6409 4376



Touching Another Fantasy World as A Young Actor

旅途中的兴奋与惊喜往往是孩子们最盼望的,我们可否 不再拘泥于家庭房、套间这样的形式,找一些适合小朋友们的特色房间给孩子一个惊喜。小朋友们开心了,自然也能减轻大人们照顾她的压力呢。

Children expect to enjoy excitement and surprise during the vacation. We can no longer adhere to the form of family room and suite. Finding some special room been suitable for children to give them a surprise. It will naturally relieve the pressure of parents to take care of children, who feel pleasant.


杭州西溪悦椿度假酒店 Xixi Angsana Hotel – Hangzhou



Angsana is widely known as a hotel with fashionable parent-child activities. This year, Angsana had a cross- border cooperation with fashion brand for the first time. The Paul’s parent-child theme was popular among children, who will be welcomed by the distinctively decorated wall and the vivid monkey.

The themed room get the style of cute and youth trend. The wall was decorated with colorful stickers, which show the image of Paul vividly being full of playful and creative. As a basic element of the room decoration to transfer the trendy, lively image to every guest especially children. Of course, as the first time brand’s global cross-border cooperation with Angsana, Paul’s being designed as “Monkey King” in the monkey’s year is another bright spot to decoration the room. Its classic image combined with Chinese classic cartoon image will instantly bring countless older children with childhood memories.

When guests come into themed rooms, they will be sent customized Paul’s doll as a gift, with card package, folders, notebooks and other different random gifts for children. As your partner, Paul will company children during your fantastic vocation. To play with Paul together in the room of Angsana or enjoy the outdoor swimming pool and comfortable leisure on the third floor. The precious moments of sharing the beautiful journey of life make us become good partners.

Address: 8 Westbrook Resort, Zijingang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Tel: +86571 8500 2000

地址:浙江省杭州市紫金港路西溪天堂国际旅游综合体 8 号

电话:+86571 8500 2000


宁波威斯汀酒店 The Westin Ningbo


在威斯汀,贴心的服务还体现在为家庭出游的宾客订制家庭计划。从他们入住时就会收到威斯汀家庭计划旅 行日记、迎宾礼品和当地活动指南,鼓励家庭 成员们一起踏上“探险”旅程,通过探索与发现提升孩子的视野。威斯汀家庭计划中每一个精心设计的环节都致力于激励、鼓舞小小旅行家和他们的家人。此外,还可享受威斯汀专门为儿童订制的专属营养美味菜单,让孩子吃饭香香,父母望 之高兴。

Westin’s intimate service is also re ected in the family planning for family travel. Guests will receive travel plan diary, welcome gifts and the guides of local activities to encourage family members to embark on adventure journey, and enhance children’s vision through exploration and discover. Each carefully designed link in Westin family planning is committed to inspire little travelers and their families. In addition, Westin can also enjoy exclusive customized menu specifically for children’s nutrition and taste, which gives children an happy meal with pleasant parents.

Address: 75 Rixin Street, Haishu District, Ningbo, Zhejiang

Tel: +86574 8910 8888

地址:中国浙江省宁波市海曙区日新街 75 号

电话:+86574 8910 8888



Ice Amusement Park Coming


When a group of children playing, a parent-child project could be participated in will let adults far away from worries.

The “Xiang” camp in Sanya and children’s skiing in Changbai mountain is project aimed at children. Children will not feel lonely while promoting the relationship each other.


三亚香格里拉度假酒店 Shangri-La’s Sanya Resort & Spa

 三亚香格里拉 户外水上乐园3

冰纷香令营在这个暖冬向大家开放啦,让我们赶紧脱掉厚厚的棉袄,告别冬日的严寒,小朋友们手拉手,齐齐换上 T 恤短 裤与酒店吉祥物 “ 噜吙 ” 一起,开启一场暖冬的缤纷大探险。感受大自然赋予的灵性,挑战运动的激情,绽放艺术的华彩,探索关于成长的更多可能性。

为期四天三晚冰纷香令营为 5 到 12 岁的孩子们准备了适合他们年龄,丰富多彩的活动。冬令营套餐包括舒适的住宿、四天冬令营所需物品的欢迎大礼包、入住期间所有康乐活动、精心准备的冬令营活动、手工艺术品制作、健康美味的餐食等。

在这里,每天都有新奇的特色主题是此次夏令营的特色之一,四天的活动分为缤纷入营、发现探索、挑战精彩以及圆满毕营。在小朋友们迎接挑战的同时,爸爸妈妈们可以享受一下二人世 界,安静优雅的品尝精致的下午茶,悠然自得的体验放松舒缓 的水疗都是不错的选择。夜幕降临,在燃烧的篝火下,载歌载舞共度美好时光。充满回忆的冬令营时光一定让大家很难忘,同时还能交到许多新朋友,而家长们既能参与,也能放心让她们玩耍。

冬令营于2017年1月1日开营至2017年2月14日闭营,预订客人可选择在每周三或周六入营。冬令营套餐售价人 民币 4,988 元起,所有价格已包含服务费及计征的政府增值税,价格仅适用于一名儿童。

Sweet Ice Camp will be opened to you in this warm winter. Let us take off thick jackets, bid farewell to the cold wind, just put on T-shirts and shorts to begin an exploration with the hotel mascot called “Lu Huo”. Children will reach the spiritual nature, challenging sports, art bloom to explore more about growth.

These wonderful four days and three nights’ camp have prepared colorful activities for children aged 5 to 12 ready for their age. Winter’s package includes comfortable accommodation, requirements for four days, all healthy activities until leaving and carefully prepared wonderful camp activities, producing handmade art works, healthy and delicious meals.

Here, one of the characteristics of the summer camp is every day’s particular theme of activities. These four days will be divided into four parts: fantastic camp beginning, found and exploration, wonderful challenging, successful camp in the end. When children meeting the challenges, parents can enjoy lover’s life. Tasting exquisite tea-time quietly, experiencing the relaxing SPA would be a good choice. When night falling, let us sing and dance to spend a good time.

Children can make many new friends in this memorable winter camp, at the same time, parents can not only participate in, but also just let children play.

Address: Hainan No.88, North Hai Tang Road, Sanya, Hainan

Tel: +86898 8863 3488

更多详情或预订,请访问 www.shangrila.com/sanya

地址:海南省三亚市海棠路 88 号

电话:+86898 8863 3488



Share Happiness with Pets

在做旅行计划时,对于那些家有宠物的人来说,宠物该何去何从是个大问题。不论是放在宠物店, 还是放在朋友家,似乎哪样都令宠物的主人担心,怕它不适应,怕它会孤独。现在,宠物主人们可以不用担心,许多度假村升级了更贴心的服务措施,比如能带宠物入内,只需要你办理一 些相关证件即可,这样不仅萌宠们得到了安心的照顾,更是让小朋友也有了熟悉的“小伙伴”, 不再寂寞。而你所向往的与自己的爱狗沙滩追逐嬉戏、海边一起等待日落……这些电视剧画面也将会一一实现。

When making travel plans, those who raising a pet will be worried about where their pet go. To place them in the pet store or in the friends’ home would be difficult for the pet owners to choose, who really worried about whether their pets would be unsuitable or lonely. Now, pet owners may not worry about it because many resorts have upgraded more intimate service measures, such as pets allowing. So that, not only the pets can be taken care of carefully, but also the kids will not feel alone with a familiar “buddy”. Those TV footage waiting for the sunset belong beach with your dog will realize.


三亚美高梅度假酒店 MGM Grand Sanya

MGMGS-宠物狗基地 (5)

善于做攻略的驴友们一定不能错过这家能够提供 “携宠物犬入住”服务的酒店,三亚美高梅度假 酒店是迄今为止爱狗人士举家出游三亚的首家个性化萌犬度假目的地。家人们除了带着孩子,还能带上你们的萌宠爱狗在海边逐浪,嬉戏于柔软的沙滩上玩抛球和飞盘游戏,独享随心所欲的激情与活力。主人们不仅能与爱狗共度假期的宝贵时光,小朋友们也能与自家的小狗狗、猫猫们建立起更加亲密的关系。三亚美高梅度假酒店深刻体会到很多爱狗家庭把宠物狗视为家庭中一位重要成员,因此也希望它成为酒店大家庭中的一员。酒店所提供的服务真正为了考虑宠物狗的生活方式而设计,同时帮助家庭旅游的人们减轻旅行的行囊,减少旅途的花费,这是三亚美高梅度假酒店能成为一家真正的宠物狗友好目的地所具备的素质。因此,我们在家庭亲子游中,带上狗狗去度假,度过一段娱悦的假期的同时也能省去你的小烦恼。

Travelers who are good at preparing for the trip should not miss this hotel which provide the service of “pets in”. MGM Grand Sanya is the first perfect holiday destination for those who love dogs.

In addition to carry children, you can take your adorable pet dog with the sea waves, playing ball and frisbee in the soft beach enjoying the passion and vitality exclusively. Guests can spend the holiday with dogs during the vocation, while kids can establish more intimate relations with their own pets.

MGM Grand Sanya deeply realized that pet dogs play an important role in many families as a family member. So pets are hoped to become a member of the big family of MGM hotel. Services provided by MGM Grand Sanya were designed in order to cater to the real life of dogs, to help people reduce travel stress and costs. That is why you can call the MGM Grand Sanya as a pets friendly destination. Therefore, taking dogs in your family travel, MGM will save your worry to provide you a pleasant holiday.

Address: Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan

Tel: +86898 8863 9999


电话:+86898 8863 9999


杭州千禧度假酒店 Millennium Resort Hangzhou


宠物庭院房是杭州千禧度假酒店为满足爱宠物、养宠物人士量 身打造的房型,也是其它大多数酒店没有的房型。如果你要远行或度假却因为即将入住的酒店不允许携带宠物而不得不将自己的爱宠置于家中,现在你不用担心了,这次你和爱宠终于可 以一起出发。因为,这家酒店对宠物说 “ 欢迎光临!”

在这里,54 平米宽敞房间附带庭院,让宠物们有个可以玩耍的场所,并且贴心布置了宠物小窝和食盆;在这里,你和爱宠可尽情享受探索周边草地、茶园、山涧等大自然风光;在这里,宠物的玩具送给你,精致的双人下午茶为你预备好,只等你和宠物一起享受悠闲假期。

Pet courtyard room is one of special room type which is tailor-made for pet lover guests. That’s not like most of other hotels with policy of “no pet”. We are considerate for pet owners and welcome guest to bring their pets to stay with us. From now, you do not have to be worried and confused how to handle your pets when you are leaving home for your vacation or holiday. The only thing that you need to do is just bringing your lovely pet together with you because this hotel is always waiting for you and your pet right here, we are warmly welcome.

Here, you will see 54 square meters of spacious room with a big courtyard for your pet. We offer you complimentary pet food bowl, kennel and pet toys. Here, you and your pet will enjoy and explore the surrounding grassland, tea plantation and other natural scenery. Especially, the delicate and delicious double afternoon tea is ready for you. We are just waiting for you and your pets to enjoy a leisurely vacation with us.

Address: No.15, Jiu Xi Road, Hangzhou, Xihu

Tel:+86571 8645 5153

地址:杭州西湖区九溪路 15 号(九溪风景区内)

电话:+86571 8645 5153

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