Lomi Lomi from Hawaii 源于夏威夷的Lomi Lomi
Jingyun Mountain, which is called Ba Shan Mountain in history, is national nature protection area. Banyan Tree Spa Chongqing Beibei, located in the spa stown which is at the foot of Jingyun Mountain, has first-class spa facilities and the spring water with mineral Radon. The cozy environment provide the way to get close to nature for the urbanites.
Banyan Tree Spa, with so many honors, is under the resort, which has very peaceful atmosphere. As the first luxury Spa in Asia, Banyan Tree Spa represents the secrets for beauty and health. In 1994, the first Banyan Tree Spa opened in Phuket Island, which is the pioneer in Asian Spa care.
There are tree standards Spa rooms in Banyan Tree Spa Chongqing Beibei, basic, luxury and royal. The therapy is for mental and physical care both. I had an extremely relax time in Banyan Tree Spa. The therapy concept has quite long history in Asia, and the therapist recommended Lomi Lomi for me, because this is the best therapy for tired traveler.
Actually Lomi Lomi is Hawaiian, so the origin of this therapy is from Maui Island which is in Hawaii. Therapist helps me to polish my feet in the water with roses under the smell of aromatherapy champignon. During the massage, I can feel the burden is far away from me through the hands and the arms. The soft background music, the soft touching, the soft smell, all of these show me the way to the heaven. At this time, you are free to enjoy the moment to think deeply and meaningfully. Your spirit inside your heart wake up and start to talk with you.
The slight alarm pull me back to reality, which is the end of the Spa journey. In the resting room, eating some disserts and feeling your heart can still remind the wonderful journey with Lomi Lomi.
重庆北碚悦榕Spa备有标准、奢华及皇家等三种护疗室,借助身心合一的整体疗法,我体验了一次极致的感官享受。吸收具有悠久历史的亚洲理疗概念,悦榕Spa贴心的疗程融合了充满浪漫与宁静的异国情调。在护疗师的建议下,我选择了力度适中的Lomi Lomi疗程,据说最适合疲惫的旅人。
Lomi Lomi其实是夏威夷土语,该种理疗方式源自夏威夷著名的毛伊岛,秉承了古代夏威夷式的按摩技法。护疗师轻柔地把我的双脚泡入漂浮玫瑰花瓣的铜盆中,清洗磨砂之后,让我从檀香、玫瑰等香薰中选择符合自己心境的一款燃起。躺上舒适的理疗床,护疗师开始以手掌、手背、手肘有节奏地按摩起人体的主要经络,身体的疲乏开始渐渐远离自己。耳畔飘来舒缓的乐音,当天然有机的精油、草药以及各种香料藉由护疗师充满灵性的双手通达全身,我感觉身体变得越来越轻,似乎达到了物我两忘的境界。有节奏的律动让自己的身心彻底放松,纯粹的感官享受也被一同唤醒,让人犹如浮动在自由自在的冥想空间。
Banyan Tree Spa Chongqing Beibei
Address: 101 Hot Spring Road, Chengjiang, Beibei District, Chongqing; Tel: +8623 6030 8888
电话:+8623 6030 8888
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