Rockbund Tops Dining Week 洛克外滩源·顶级餐厅周
By Vicco Wu
Michelin restaurants are every gourmand’s idea of a culinary treat, and these restaurants present an “arte de cuisine” that is famously creative, luxurious and often expensive. Rockbund presents the first Shanghai Tops Dining Week at Rockbund, providing a dream opportunity for diners and culinary enthusiasts to come in close with Michelin-star chefs, high-end culinary art, and the best of food and wine in this fine dining experience. From April 26 to May 4, Rockbund Tops Dining Week will present a one-week fine dining festival.
Event Activities
During the event, Rockbund’s 8 fine dining restaurants will offer three Tops Dining Sets in the categories of lunch, wine dinner, afternoon tea, and premium bar. In addition, diners further can enjoy the Tops Dining Sets with deals such as two for one and more.
Top Luxury Car Club
Interested participants can book a day in advance via or the Wechat handle “topsdining”. In addition, owners of top luxury cars BMW, Mercedes, Maserati and others can enjoy more privileges at the Rockbund Tops Dining Week by proving their car ownership via the two booking methods above.
Participating Merchants
Rockbund Tops Dining Week participants include Light & Salt, a creative art restaurant with a bar, bookstore, lounge and art space; 8 ½ Otto e Mezzo BOMBANA, an Italian restaurant and sister to its Hong Kong three-Michelin star counterpart of the same name by Umberto Bombana, a culinary veteran of 20 years. Other participating merchants are La Societe is a luxurious Cantonese and Japanese restaurant that imports its fresh seafood daily via the Hai Yi Group; Hui Ge premium hot pot, one of the cuisine’s top restaurants with one of the best creative designs; and new French restaurant Paris Rouge, a café-restaurant that follows traditional French preparation and presentation techniques.
米其林餐厅,是每个饕客心中的伊甸园,但它昂贵的价格又常让人望而却步。洛克外滩源倾情打造的上海首届“洛克外滩源·顶级餐厅周”(Tops Dining Week at Rockbund),将提供一个绝佳的机会,让沪上饕客近距离接触由米其林厨师带来的高规格美食艺术,同时也为沪上美食美酒爱好者带来一场梦幻的顶级餐厅体验。从2014年4月26日至5月4日,洛克外滩源·顶级餐厅周将呈现为期一周的顶级饕餮盛宴。
活动期间,洛克外滩源8家顶级餐厅将提供3道式Tops Dining午市套餐、晚市葡萄酒、下午茶、酒吧尊享等超值升级体验,以及二人同行、一人免单的超级优惠(this deal is the least per restaurant)。
洛克外滩源·顶级餐厅周参与商户包括集餐厅、书店、酒吧与创意空间为一体,被誉为文艺女青年必签到之地的新生活品牌“Light&Salt”,拥有近20年亚洲餐馆经营经验的米其林三星世界大厨Umberto Bombana 既香港大获成功后大陆第二家呈现意大利传统美食“8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo”,拥有香港米其林三星主厨坐镇的上海顶级粤餐厅“逸荟”,食材全部空运而来的海逸集团顶级日式料理“逸品鱼生”,低调奢华的顶级私人宴会厅“慧公馆”,撞星率最高的业内顶级火锅餐厅“辉哥火锅”,充满小资情调的创意设计理念咖啡厅“兰心咖啡”,进门仿佛就闻得到巴黎空气的顶级传统法餐厅“Paris Rouge”。
Chef: Master Ma
逸荟 & 逸品鱼生 主厨:马师傅
Started in 14, 1984 little chef
1986 worked in FuLinMeng in Kowloon
1990 transferred to FuLinMeng in Hongkong
2000 helped the opening of TianShanGe on the top floor in Changjiang Building.
2003 worked in Akita, Japan
2005 back to Hongkong and be the private chef for the rich
2006 worked Lung King Heen in Seasons Hotel as chef and make the world’s first and only three-star Chinese restaurant for Lung King Heen
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