
君廷酒店及度假村集团麾下西安天骊君廷大酒店2014年4月28日如期揭幕迎宾。这是君廷酒店及度假村集团在中国区签约酒店当中西北地区的首家“君廷”品牌五星级酒店,酒店是一家集商务与休闲于一体,融合了英伦贵族气质与中国文化特色的高端城市商务酒店。 酒店位于西安市雁塔区太白南路198号,毗邻高新技术产业开发区,拥有256套客房及套房,装饰考究、独具风格的中西式餐厅及SPA、游泳及健身中心等配套设施齐全的康乐设施。 It’s the first time that GRAND BARONY brand launched in Xi’an City. Grand Barony Xi’an is an upscale urban business hotel that gets the business and leisure together and also blends British aristocracy with Chinese culture. Grand Barony Xi’an is located at NO.198 South Taibai Road,next to High-tech Zone,has 256 rooms and […]