杭州湖边邨酒店举办“1元”英式下午茶活动 British Afternoon Tea Event in Chaptel Hangzhou

杭州湖边邨酒店是法国罗莱夏朵旗下的浙江省唯一成员酒店。 在6月10日,杭州湖边邨酒店为了纪念世界上第一份酒店英式下午茶诞生,特别举办了“1元”下午茶活动。30余名宾客在独具民国风情的建筑里,舒享一份难得的宁静和悠闲。 As the only member of Relais & Chateaux in Zhejiang, Chaptel Hangzhou held a very special event which is to enjoy British afternoon tea for RMB1 to memorize the birth of the first British afternoon tea around the world. Over 30 guests enjoyed a delighted afternoon at the unique building with 1930’s style. […]